Shawnda McNeal’s Handpicked and Custom Designed Apparel, Accessories & Home Decor

shawnda mcneal store launch

I'm like, really excited. Ever since I was a teeny weeny lil' girl there have been three things I've wanted to do with my life. Become a mommy Make it to a major radio market Be a Fashion Designer Mark down a check on the mommy front. Because of the endo I really only got one shot at that, but we did it! ;) Checkmate on major market radio. Just over 18 years of … [Read more...]

4 Dadtastic Father’s Day Gifts For 4 Types of Dads

shawnda mcneal father's day gift ideas

Every year I ask my husband what he wants for Father's Day and every year he says the same thing... "...Ummm. I don't care. Just hang out with you guys." Horse-poo, David. I know you want something. You're a Taurus and an ENFP, you like spending money, you like buying things, you like toys. Most of our guys are like this too, right? Boys like toys. Nothing wrong … [Read more...]

8 Toys To Help Give Your Kids a Fun TOXIC FREE Summer

toxic free summer ideas

As a mom, I’ve always been very cautious of what my son plays with and what kind of food he is eating. I’m not perfect, I slip up some times, but I keep trying. And even though I find myself not reading every single label, I DO try my best to make sure our home is as toxic free as possible. Next on my list, is Summertime. Summer will be here before we know it and most … [Read more...]

Confessions of a Menopausal Maniac

shawnda mcneal menopause confessions

The menopause struggle is REAL. I mean really real. All the cliche things you hear about - the hot flashes, the mood swings, the increased anxiety and irritability, having to pee so much more (or at least the urge to)... It's real. … [Read more...]