Awesome Mom Moment #5: What Two Tiny Girls Made Me Realize

awesome mom moment

On August 16, 2001, my first daughter, Elyssa Nicolette Alvey, was born in Evansville, Indiana. She was a bright-blue-eyed, blond haired, little girl. She weighed 5 pounds and 4 ounces. She was 19 ¾ inches long. On September 22, 2003, my second daughter, Abigail Alexis Alvey, was born in Huntingburg, Indiana. She was a bright-blue-eyed, brown haired, little girl. She weighed … [Read more...]

Awesome Mom Moment #4: A Love Stronger Than Ever Imagined

awesome mom moment lisa

Being that I'm a first time mom and my son is only 6 months old, I can't pick "a moment" that stands out. At this stage everything makes me overflow with pride and happiness. Things such as when he laughs and laughs hard at me, his daddy or the dog, when he eats his baby food and makes a funny face, when he is finished with his bottle at 3am and curls into my side to fall … [Read more...]

Awesome Mom Moment #3: Lula Mae Uses the Potty Inside

Awesome Mom Moment Lula Mae

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y dog, an 8 pound Italian Greyhound named Lula Mae, is my only child. I'm not your typical parent. For example, I've trained her to use the litter pan instead of having to take her outside to "relieve" herself. Pretty sure I should get an award for that. Whenever I have a bad day at work or something, I confide in Miss Lula and she's always there with … [Read more...]

Awesome Mom Moment #2: Marcy Johnson

awesome mom moment marcy

  My youngest has been asking lately to see pictures of him as a baby. He was my "Budda Baby" coming in at 10lbs. 7oz. and the chubbiest cheeks you have every seen. While I was showing him pictures of him, I started looking through old pictures too and came across this one. This picture is my absolute favorite of my kids (so far). The baby in this photo is now 3 1/2 … [Read more...]

Awesome Mom Moment #1: Tiffany York’s Tearful Laughter

awesome mom moment tiffany york

  I'd had my baby girl, Daphne, home from the NICU for a few days. She was about 3 weeks old. I was sitting at home with my baby in my lap. Alone together. A quiet moment. Looking at Daphne, I began bawling my eyes out because it hit me all at once that my mom will never get to see her perfect grand baby. (My mom passed away 7 years ago from M.S.) As I was sitting … [Read more...]